Meet Robby
I was introduced to Colonics in 2015. This marked the beginning of my fascination with essential oils, which eventually became my preferred remedy. Since 2019, I have proudly held certification as a Colon Hydrotherapist. Read my story below.
My Story
My journey into holistic healing practices began in March 2014 when I had an emergency hysterectomy. Immediately after surgery, my struggles intensified, and I wasn't eliminating waste from my body as my systems were designed to operate. After suffering for a year and a half, I was suggested to try Colon Hydrotherapy. From there, I was introduced to a vast world of holistic care and found a passion for working with essential oils, as they proved very useful for easing my own struggles.
I'm passionate about natural healing and partaking in that which comes from the earth. I believe that for most prescribed medication, there is often a better, more natural approach that can provide relief and support for our systems that are in need. Approaches that don't put one system in danger to heal another. Methods where the only known side effects are happiness, longevity, increased energy, and better digestion.
I've been a Certified Colon Hydrotherapist since 2019, a Certified Reflexologist since 2022, and have been practicing Raindrop Therapy since 2017 and Ionic Foot Detox since 2019.
I encourage everyone to always 'Be mindful of what enters your mouth, but most importantly what enters your mind.'
Freedom, Love, and Peace.